…with a plug-n-play marketing system guaranteed to get
real results for boutique fitness studio owners
(…and it only costs you $1! Crazy, right?)
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Owning a studio is nothing like you imagined…
You set up your business to help people live healthier, happier lives—
To teach them how to achieve balance, momentum, and strength in and out of the studio.
Yet here YOU are—stretched thin as a pilates strap, stressed beyond belief, and stuck in business-land quicksand…
You’re selling classes dirt cheap to keep up with the competition (What?!? How did 3 new boutique studios pop up overnight?)…
You’re teaching 18 classes a week, sacrificing precious cuddle time and weekend adventures with your kiddos, and date nights with your partner (and no, collapsing on the couch at 9pm does not count as a date night, my friend)…
You’re up at the crack of dawn, cleaning the floors, wiping the mirrors, and restocking the toilet paper— because you barely have enough money to pay your instructors, let alone a cleaner…
And you’re staying up until 3am, desperately concocting money-making strategies, and frantically throwing ideas at the wall (and your Facebook account) to see what sticks…
Because your bills are stacking up faster than buttermilk pancakes on a Saturday morning.
And your client roster is stuck at that same disappointing number—even though you’ve tried EVERYTHING including Groupon, newspaper ads, Classpass, paid search, and more.
Even though you’re working crazy hours and juggling twenty different roles, your bank account’s as barren as the Sahara Desert.
Heck, you feel embarrassed to admit you haven’t paid yourself a stellar wage since you opened your doors.
*Hold up! Let’s pause and take a deeeeep inhale-exhale, m’dear*
The uncertainty and overwhelm that keeps you up at night is not what you signed up for. Far from it.
But here’s the thing…
You’re an unbelievable teacher. And you can transform someone’s body, mind, and soul in a matter of minutes.
The good news? You don’t need to surrender your profits in order to pursue your passion and purpose.
You just need access to a marketing team at
your fingertips, content ready to go, and a calendar guaranteed to attract a steady stream of clients through your front door, even during those quiet summer months…
So you can stop working 80 hour weeks, start paying yourself $5K, $10K, or well beyond on a monthly basis, and finally get your life back.
“I was working 80 hour weeks at my yoga, pilates and training studio and I hadn’t paid myself in a year”
Hey there, Darlin’!
I’m Lisé—Host of the Ready Aim Empire Podcast, pilates fanatic, history nerd, and proud mama to two adorable boys who love their bananas foster juuuuust as much as their mama.
Only 11 years ago, I was *exactly* where you are today—madly in love with the idea of my business, but frustrated by the not-so-glamorous reality of it. While I was hustling 80 hour weeks at my studio, I hadn’t paid myself in a year. Yep—
(Gives me heartburn just thinking about it!)
I questioned whether the “dream” was worth the time away from my family…
Because I was pregnant at the time with my oldest son and taking care of our foster son, all while my husband was on active military duty….yesssssss, life was HARD.
I had no idea how to attract new clients consistently so I could create recurring, growing revenue I could depend on from month to month, rather than riding the never-ending revenue rollercoaster of UP and down and UP and down… (it’s enough to make you nauseous!).
And hey, it’s not like I was slacking off or anything!
I was doing EVERYTHING I’d seen other business owners do (like running ads in local magazines and newspapers, partnering with other organizations and businesses, paying for Google and Facebook Ads, and joining the local chamber of commerce), but nothing ever worked long-term.
We’d have a burst of new clients. And then NOTHING. A chorus of crickets.
I needed a soup to nuts marketing system built specifically for studios
I needed effective marketing strategies I could test quickly and easily
I needed to radically change the way I approached my entire business
So I made a decision that changed my life.
I took charge of every reason I had failed in the past, every bad decision I’d ever made, and I swore I would turn my fortunes around.
I studied, obsessed over, and built marketing systems that would empower me to work smarter, not harder and finally get clients in the door consistently.
And, in true Lisé fashion, I decided to go big, like, really BIG….I can’t help myself!
I took a leap of faith and purchased a studio hundreds of miles away from my home.
Because to me, entrepreneurial freedom meant being able to manage things from afar—so I would NEVER get sucked into the studio vortex that had swept in and pulled my life out from under me again.
The funny part? My accountant, my colleagues, and even a few family members warned me this approach was not normal…
I warned them, neither was I. Through a determined, grit-my-teeth process of trial and error, I finally started reaching my business goals. And my profits started to soar.
Before long, my first company funded
a second, which funded a third, which
purchased our fourth—a failing business
that no one wanted anything to do with.
Within one year, that floundering company had risen to be the #1 profit generator in my little empire. It turns out all it needed to succeed was a robust marketing strategies & system I could depend on… I was hitting seven figures each year, while working 20 hours or less a week from my back porch—sipping iced tea tea while reading my favorite children’s book, Danny, The Champion of the World, to my baby boy.
Fortune and freedom were finally in my back pocket.
As soon as I’d nailed down my marketing system, strategies & process, I started using it to help other boutique fitness studio owners attract more prospects, skyrocket profits, and transform their businesses (…and lives).
And since 2015, I’ve helped 849 studio owners and personal trainers take their studios to dizzying new heights by providing a robust marketing system they need to stand out in saturated markets, attract qualified prospects, and drive new clients through their front door.
You can do it, too, my friend. I’m cheering you on!
A robust marketing system is the X factor that
helped me build my 20 hour a week, 7-figure
business empire…
Now before you roll your eyes, because you feel like you’ll NEVER have time for marketing, let me make this crystal LaCroix clear—
Marketing is the lifeblood of your business.
It’s the thing all your successes depend on, and—if you’re not doing it or not doing it right—the source of all your frustration.
Listen, I know marketing can feel overwhelming when you’re staring at a blank screen, figuring it out on your own and you don’t have a second to spare.
There’s SO MUCH to wrap
your head around, right?
Like what the *heck* is a Facebook pixel?
How on Earth does the Facebook algorithm work?
Why do I need a landing page?
What does a good intro offer look like?
What should I write in my emails?
Should I have a Facebook page and an Instagram account (and what do I need to post every day)?
When did funnels stop being handy utensils you use to fill up Tupperware?
And, if these are only the questions running through your head as you
quickly gobble down breakfast before running out the door…
Marketing can feel like a beast you don’t know how to tame, because…
You have no idea where to start
You know you need help, but don’t know enough to know what you actually need!
You can’t afford to throw money at something that doesn’t work
You know what works, but you need it done for you so you can hand it off to someone else and focus on more important things
Short of spending $5K a month you don’t have on some sort of marketing specialist you have no idea where to find, it feels like you’re out of options…
Nuh-uh, darlin’! Not on my watch.
I’m about to show you another way…
Imagine a library, full of curated resources on EVERY SINGLE THING you need to radically transform your marketing, business & life.
Imagine everything you need is perfectly
referenced and easy to find.
And every marketing tool, cheatsheet & tech tutorial is short, sharp, and easy to understand. Like, so easy a toddler could figure it out.
And there’s a stack of templates you’re *meant* to copy-paste. (No rules against plagiarism here!) Because you don’t have time to write copy ALL day. No way.
Got a question? No problem, there are four helpful librarians (AKA your new strategic coaches—you’ll meet them in a sec), ready
to point you in the right direction, sit down and walk you through ANYTHING you don’t understand…
And—if you want—work on your business for you while you kick back with a glass of Pinot Noir (no judgment here).
Sound like the type of library-slash-club you’d like to join?
(New memberships are available in 3, 2, 1…)
AKA the plug-n-play marketing system guaranteed to get you a stream of new clients and recurring revenue in 14 days for less than a cup of green tea
Revenue Remedy is like nothing else on the market, because it’s the only marketing system developed specifically for boutique fitness studio owners by someone who’s been on the journey (yep, that’s me!).
Here’s what else you need to know about Revenue Remedy:
This program has been tried and tested for ONE YEAR and is proven to work for mind-body businesses of all shapes, sizes, and stages
It’s a done-for-you system ANYONE can implement, regardless of tech know-how, creative ability, or time constraints (all you need is 30 minutes a week)
It’s a one-stop-shop, including video tutorials, checklists, and strategy calls with my team of marketing experts to educate and support you through every part of the process
This program delivers all the value of an experienced, industry-specific marketing team at a fraction of the cost.
With Revenue Remedy in your pocket, there’ll be no more wild guesses, no more digging
for answers on Google, and no more slow months wondering whether or not you should shut down the studio.
“If I’d known about Revenue Remedy, I would NOT have hired a digital marketing agency…”
“If I’d known about Revenue Remedy, I would NOT have hired a digital marketing agency. It’s like $5K and $10K per month. But we didn’t get the results we thought we’d get.
The marketing agency wasn’t well-versed in our industry and that makes a big difference. Revenue Remedy gets our industry, because it was created by a studio owner.
Maura Vella, 105F
3 Location Chain in Chicago
Revenue Remedy is a foolproof two-part program, designed to meet you where you’re at today.
It includes a 12 week marketing intensive to whip your business into shape AND
a robust monthly membership program (AKA the club) to help you refine your
marketing processes and skyrocket your revenue.
Revenue Remedy is designed specifically for…
Boutique fitness studio owners
Fitness or Personal Trainers
Massage Therapists
Pilates Instructors
Medical Spa Owners
Zumba Instructors
Yoga Instructors
Dietitians or Nutritionists
Reiki Instructors
Health or Wellness Coaches
Meditation Instructors or Therapists
If you’re more than ready to hit
your revenue goals AND…
Take advantage of all of my marketing plans and calendars so you’ll attract consistent prospects, even during the slow summer season (No more tumbleweeds passing YOUR studio doors!)
Stand out in a crowded market and welcome new clients, daily (because you’re running a unique business, and it *deserves* a chance to wow!)
Fill your studio capacity by doubling or tripling memberships (So you’re busy WITHOUT busting your tush)
Develop and effectively promote a new class series (that gets genuine interest each
and every time)
Hire a team or promote current team members (because when the money is there, you can expand baby, EXPAND)
Open a new location or host a retreat on an exotic island (Did somebody say Bali?)
Pay off your business loans and debt (and start *really* raking in the profits)
Finally pay yourself a livable salary and book that fam vacation to Italy (because you deserve to have a sustainable business that runs without you being there from dawn to dusk.)
Here’s how Revenue
Remedy will whip
your marketing strategy
into shape in the first
12 weeks
week 01
Indra Intro
- Get started on your journey by meeting the team, and joining the FB Group
- Identify exactly where your business is at and stop wasting time on strategies that don’t work
- Get the clear direction you need from my expert marketing team (and ask them ANYTHING) during weekly office hours
week 02
The Troubleshooting Trinity
- Set realistic goals and expectations for your business’s sustained success
- Discover the report that will help you track your marketing
- Accurately diagnose problems each time they arise and learn how to
fix them before anything blows up
week 03
Mindful Market Research
- Use my tried and tested survey template to extract valuable data from your market
- Enlist survey software to make the research process quick and easy
- Interpret results to get crystal clear insight into who your audience is and how to speak to them most effectively
week 04
Gettin’ Down, Dog
- Create and run a marketing funnel unique to your business to get new clients through the door
- Use prospect lists the right way to spread the word
- Make local marketing and business partnerships work
week 05
Technical Chakras
- Get all your systems in place so you can automate your monthly marketing
- Understand how to use your website, Google analytics and emails to help you smash your business goals
week 06
Customer Bhakti
- Engage your list easily with pre-designed email sequences & step-by-step setup instructions
- Discover which email programs are best suited for your business’s current phase
- Maximize your open and click-through rates to drive business growth
week 07
Landing Page Mantras
- Begin putting together the pieces for your Intro Package Advertising Campaign
- Discover the golden rules for creating landing pages that result in new clients and new revenue streams
week 08
Google Guru
- Learn how to make Google work for you through Google Business Pages and Google Adwords
- Start getting leads through the door by setting up and launching your first Google Adwords Campaign
week 09
Social Media Marketing Dharma
- Determine which tried and tested social media marketing strategy fits your studio needs {and your time frame}
- Understand the ins and outs of marketing on Facebook vs Instagram
- Utilize the plug-n’-play content calendar to make your marketing quick and easy
week 10
Facebook Drishti
- Nail your Facebook strategy with tips, tricks, and in-depth tutorials
- Use Facebook lives, events and videos to up your studio exposure
- Build a tribe of loyal fans and friends who spread the word about your studio
week 11
Ads Prana
- Unlock the secrets of successful Facebook & Instagram Ads
- Use simple-to-adapt scripts to create effective ads in minutes
- Learn how to use ad metrics to power-up your ad performance
week 12
Time to Fly
- Launch your intro offer and start attracting an abundance of new clients
- Use done-for-you copy and image templates to create your landing page and marketing materials in minutes
- Consolidate what you’ve learnt, nail the basics and transition into the monthly Revenue Remedy membership site for next-level techniques
Increase your new enrollment by
45% in August, like Alia Khan…
“I started working with Lise’s team after my one year mark, because I felt like I had gone as far as I could on my own.
And I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel when I *knew* there were marketing experts who had figured this out already.
While I’d tried marketing on Yelp, it certainly hadn’t driven in the studio traffic I’d wanted.
When I joined the program and tried Facebook advertising, I went from making $543 during a week in June 2015 to making $5,078 in that very same week in June 2016. And I increased my new enrollment by 45% in August!
Now, when I ask every new client how they found my studio, the vast majority tell me it was because they found me on Facebook.”
Alia Khan
Founder of East Side Yoga, Washington DC
And that’s just the beginning, y’all…
(Revenue Remedy is Comprehensive with a capital C)
Once you’ve got nailed the foundation of your business in the 12 week intensive, you’ll transition into the structured monthly membership and gain access to the following marketing tools, strategies, and tip-of-your-fingers tech support, so you can perfect your efforts and skyrocket your revenue.
Monthly Plug ‘N’ Play Marketing Calendar
Never create promo materials or marketing plans from scratch again. Each calendar tells you EXACTLY what to do every day of the month, and includes templated social posts, with pre-written copy and questions designed to make your prospects sit up and take notice.
Four 60 Minute “Office Hours” Per Month
These group calls are all about helping you pinpoint and course correct problem areas in your marketing. Bring your funnels, ads and campaigns to the table so we can work on them with you, providing in-depth, real-time answers and advice.
One Monthly Promotion
Every calendar month, we share a new promotion, challenge, or content calendar that’s ready to implement with templates for ads, emails, and downloads to make it a success with little to no time on your part. I’ll bring my own set of tips and tricks and take the time to answer questions, leaving you with a crystal clear path to implementing and executing your strategies successfully. It’s an all-access pass to my thoughts, experiences, and expertise.
A Ridiculously Comprehensive Tech Library
This replaces all the confusing, conflicting information on Google with simple step-by-step videos for every single process. You’ll find videos on everything from the basics, like how to create an Instagram account, to the most complex tech you’ll tackle in your business journey, like adding a pixel to Facebook Business Manager. No more questions or confusion: just step-by-step instructions that’ll have you mastering your tech before your clients finish their next class.
Say hello to your very own digital marketing team
(AKA I’ll share my awesome team with ya)
Introducing the wellness warriors and marketing experts who have been by my side, developing smart marketing systems & strategies, and helping studio owners around the world make their businesses work for them, not against them.
Trust me when I say they are the golden ticket to transforming your business.
When you join Revenue Remedy, you can access my pro digital marketing team every single month (for a fraction of the cost of hiring them yourself)…
Meet Myken
Your Chief Marketing Officer
Myken’s our former director of day-to-day operations, and she’s literally helped develop my 7-figure businesses right alongside me.
Myken’s won national and international awards for management and she’s launched some of the best performing studios and clubs in major chains – all while caring for her two sons like it ain’t no thang.
You’d pay six figures if you were to add Myken to your team full-time. So why not take advantage of her brain when you join Revenue Remedy?
Meet Nikki
Your Digital Marketing Director
Nikki has over 20 years of experience in the online space, but she’s way more than just a digital marketing guru. Her experience is as expansive as your deepest pranayama.
Nikki’s expert, inside-out-and-backwards knowledge of Google, Facebook, and Instagram will turn up the heat on your ad campaigns like the thermostat in a hot yoga class.
Dozens of our clients line up to work with Nikki one on one for around $6K/year, and you can tap her wizard brain once you join us in Revenue Remedy.
Meet Danielle
Your Conversion Copywriter
You know the feeling of a truly great adjustment? How much more aligned and resonant you become? That’s what Danielle’s copy is like.
Danielle will help you customize copy and develop emails & ads that truly speak to your ideal clients and drive them right to your studio door.
Copywriters typically charge anywhere from $2K – $6K monthly to hire on retainer, but when you join Revenue Remedy, you’ve got access to Danielle for a fraction of the cost. Total steal.

Because I’m determined
to help you transform your business, I’m also giving you three incredible bonuses…
bonus 001
The Five Step Freedom Formula
This core foundational training dives deep into the five steps that make any marketing work, regardless of what you’re selling.
Say bye to marketing that’s done nothing but break the bank AND not get clients in the door.
The Five Step Freedom Formula helps you launch campaigns that will get clients through your door and sell out your challenge, class or program.
You’ll receive templates and prompts, so you know exactly what to do to every step of the way. I also share the one secret action needed to take a good promotion and make it great!
bonus 002
Private Facebook Group
This group is the ace up your sleeve…
My team and I are focused solely on driving traffic to your studio and will do whatever we can to make it happen. Nikki (my digital marketing director) and our team will be in the group each week to answer questions and provide support with questions on tech, strategy, and implementation.
Gain tip-of-your-fingers access to a community of like-minded studio owners to help you figure out what’s working and what isn’t with all things marketing-related (including Google and Facebook ads).
You’ll also have the option of bringing another person with you (e.g. your social media manager) so they can dive deep into all the information they need to master your socials. This isn’t just a Facebook group… it’s a community.
bonus 003
Curated Content & Monthly Calendars
Remember the plug n’ play marketing calendar you’ll be getting? The one that tells you exactly what to do every day of the month to nail your promotion?
In addition to the done-for-you copy templates, you’ll also receive accompanying artwork, designed specifically to spark conversation in your community so you can engage your followers and turn them into paying clients.
All you need to do is download them and post when the calendar suggests. It’s so easy, even I could do it (and I am the definition of technologically challenged)!
“We reached 38 membership
sign ups in the first week!”
“We just opened our new studio and went from 11 to 30 classes per week on the schedule.
We reached 38 membership sign ups in the first week! And we now have rent and teacher rates covered for the next year! It’s such a relief!
Alyssa Farand
But Lise, what if Revenue Remedy doesn’t work for me?
Chances are, you’ve been bitten by the hairy marketing beast before…
You’ve thrown your hard-earned cash at Facebook ads, newspaper ads, flyers, partnerships, and other tricky strategies you didn’t totally understand.
And you’ve wasted precious time trying to set up social media accounts, joined and lost money to sites like Groupon, and you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on Google Adwords with limited success.
So why would you trust that Revenue Remedy will turn your fortunes around?
Now I’ve already shared my own successes with you, along with those of the heart-centered studio owners who are already in the program.
But I know the best way for you to understand its power is to experience it for yourself, 100% risk-free.
Pay $1 to Test Run Revenue Remedy for 7 Days and Attract More Clients
Here’s how it works…
Pay $1 today before this offer expires and you can join me (and my pro digital marketing team) in Revenue Remedy for one week.
During that first week, we’ll show you how to attract more clients than ever before with a tried and tested special summer challenge you can plug into your marketing TODAY.
Yes, we’re writing all of the copy for you, providing promo graphics, and sharing a proven promo calendar with you. You’ll know what to post and when. And you’ll finally experience real results (AKA clients walking through your door).
This is your chance to test run this program without risking ANYTHING (other than that $1). And heck, if you don’t get any results within 7 days, we’ll gladly give you your dollar back.
But if you’re ready to say buh bye to the summertime slump and say yes to a marketing engine designed specifically for boutique studio owners like yourself, this is one opportunity you won’t want to miss.
This is not one of those money back guarantees where you’ll spend three weeks being flung around the customer
service section of some giant organization, telling your story to 7 different people, and wondering if all the time and effort is even worth it.
This special $1 deal won’t last forever.
Consider it my way of making sure your doubt, uncertainty, and past experiences don’t hold you back from finally getting what works.
Remedy Your
Right Now
Welcome new clients with open arms, boost your bottom line, and turn your business around fast with a team of marketing experts who understand your business better than ANYONE (because we’re studio owners, too!)
All three plans give you instant access for you and one team member, ALL the bonuses I mentioned above.

Best Value
Most Flexible
Jump Start
Revenue Remedy is PERFECT
for you, EVEN IF…
You have no idea where to start
It’s perfectly normal to feel lost, confused and frustrated when you step through my doors. That’s why I’ll be feeding you super-specific, highly-structured content all the way through. My team and I will tell you exactly what to do and when. You just need to put it into action.
You don’t need marketing experience
I’ve filled RR with hundreds of templates, complete with words, images, and instructions, so the most creative thing you’ll need to do is type your own business name.
Technology scares the bejesus out of you
You too, huh? I was, am, and always will be a certified techophobe… and that’s ok. I can follow basic instructions and I have my team around me to support and course correct. In Revenue Remedy, you’ll have those things too. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it!
You’re worried about being too “salesy”
As you’ll discover, great marketing isn’t about skeezy offers and pressure-point techniques. It’s about knowing your audience, understanding your offering, and interacting with your clients and your prospects in a meaningful way. RR is full of marketing strategies and techniques that get incredible, sustainable results you can feel good about.
You can’t imagine fitting one more thing into your day
The plug-n-play nature of Revenue Remedy means you can implement your entire marketing strategy in as little as 30 minutes a week. And, because your efforts will bring more clients and more revenue through your door, you won’t have to work 14 hour days trying to get your business off the ground. Reliable, robust revenue will lso give you the option of hiring more staff to take over the jobs you hate doing.
You haven’t opened your studio yet
RR is everything I wish I’d had when I started my own business. Using this system from the get-go would’ve aved me so much time, energy, stress and frustration. If you can put our 8 week Grand Opening marketing plan in place before you take your first class, you’ll be set-up for success from the very beginning.
Your revenue’s ok, but you want more money and more freedom
You don’t have to be struggling for this program to make a big difference in your life and biz. If you have goals you’re not achieving, however big they are, Revenue Remedy will help you reach them quickly, with as little effort as possible. Every single strategy I’ve packed into it is based on my philosophy of working smarter, not harder to get results.
Here’s why these studio owners
joined Revenue Remedy…
“I find there are so many local and web based ‘coaches’ and programs and webinars to sign up for to help improve your business.
What attracted me most to Revenue Remedy was that you spoke my language. You know exactly what ‘semi privates/duets’ are.”
Laurie Johnson
The Pilates Studio in Hadley
“I joined Revenue Remedy because I wanted strategies and ideas for marketing going forward.
I also wanted a bit of support to know I wasn’t totally wasting my money on Facebook ads.”
Tamara O’Reilly
The Pilates Workshop
“I joined Revenue Remedy because I wanted to have access to tried and true marketing strategies to increase my client base.”
Rachel Klapper

Take a sneak peek into your future, m’dear…
ONLY ONE YEAR FROM NOW—you wake up relaxed, energized, and excited about your business…
You fit your working hours perfectly around your schedule, so you can drop you kids off at school, enjoy a glass (or two) of vino with friends, or immerse yourself in your other interests you’ve always wanted to explore—even if that means simply curling up on the couch to watch the newest HBO series (Hello, Little Big Lies Round 2).
You book a vacation… maybe even two, and don’t worry that you’re studio will fall to pieces in your absence.
And you know EXACTLY how much revenue you’ll bring in each month, and can plan your business and personal expenses accordingly.
Your classes are booked out, your waiting lists are full, your teachers are happy, and you’ve got five star reviews from your clients…
Girl, you’ve got the best studio on the block. Well done, you.
And it all starts with Revenue Remedy…
How can I market my business effectively when I barely have time for breakfast?
Revenue Remedy is a true plug-n-play system, designed to get you maximum results in minimum time. You’ll need just 30 minutes a week to put your strategy into practice and watch new clients and new revenue roll in. I’ve included templates for every single component of your marketing strategy, so you have words and images ready to go. You’ll also learn how to use software and scheduling to streamline your processes and – in some cases – set and forget.
I’ve lost money on marketing in the past. How do I know that won’t happen again?
Because this system is tried and tested by the best brains in the business. Revenue Remedy puts 50+ years of combined experience in the palm of your hands, providing the precise methods and materials I’ve used to grow my own business to where it is today. I’m so confident it’ll work for you, I’m standing behind it and providing a special, one-time only $1 deal, so you can test drive Revenue Remedy for one full week without any risk (other than your dollar bill).
During that first week, we’ll show you how to attract more clients than ever before with a tried and tested special summer promotion you can plug into your marketing. Yes, we’re writing all of the copy for you, providing promo graphics, and sharing a proven promo calendar with you. You’ll know what to post and when. And you’ll finally experience real results (AKA clients walking through your door).
I only have a small studio. Is knowing everything in Revenue Remedy really necessary for me?
The truth? It might not be right now. BUT, there will come a time when you’ll want to scale or launch a new product. Learning everything now ensures that when that times comes, you’re ready. You have the resources and the knowledge. We’re giving you the big picture, so when those slow months occur or you’re experiencing growing pains, you know exactly what to do.
I’m TERRIBLE with technology! Can I even do this?
I feel you, sister! There’s no way I would’ve been able to have the success I’ve had if I was doing it all on my own, which is why you’ll be supported the whole way through. Nikki (aka my digital marketing GENIUS) is there to help you master the tech stuff. Revenue Remedy’s tech library is also there for you to use around the clock, providing easy to follow video tutorials on every tech process imaginable. If you find you need more help as you go through, there’s always the option of upping parts of your subscription from a done-with-you service to a done-for-you powerpack. Trust me, if I can do this, you can do this.
Is the information in Revenue Remedy really that easy to apply to my business?
Yes, it really is. But here’s the catch. If you don’t engage with the content in RR and don’t take action, it’ll be impossible to apply to your business. The first 12 weeks are intensive because we’re helping you write your business’s marketing story. You must be prepared to put in the time and effort to save your business (but if you’re reading this, I already suspect you are).
I haven’t opened my studio yet… is RR still for me?
You are SO lucky… I wish I had all these systems in place when I was opening my first business! It would have saved me tens of thousands of dollars, years of long, frustrating hours, and many, many mistakes. So if you’re yet to open your doors, now is the perfect time to invest in this program and set yourself up for success right from the get-go (P.S. Our 8 Week Grand Opening Plan is going to be your new best friend)
Why does membership include access for another person?
So you can delegate, my dear! While you may not be in the position to have someone else run your marketing just yet, with Revenue Remedy, that milestone might be just around the corner.
Can I implement all of this on my own or is this program meant for bigger businesses?
Businesses of all shapes and sizes – from one-woman shows to 60 person teams – have have huge success with of Revenue Remedy. It’s relevant and easy to implement, even if you work alone. This is not complex. It’s step-by-step. It’s a ready to go system, and we’re here to walk you through it until you reach your business goals.
What if I’ve already got all everything outlined in the 12 week intensive in place?
A key component of week one is working out where you are in your business. Some ladies haven’t opened their doors, and others – like you – have simply hit the glass ceiling with marketing they can do on their own. If you’ve got your foundations sorted and are ready to start skyrocketing your revenue, you can skip ahead into the membership content. I know your time is precious, so you won’t be wasting it going over things you already know.
When can I join?
Right now! The sooner you get in and get started, the sooner you can bring in the revenue you’re looking for and have the business of your dreams.
What's the Dollar Deal?
When you sign up for Revenue Remedy, you’ll receive 7 days access to the Revenue Remedy Foundations 12 week course. If you do not cancel within that 7 day trial period, your credit card will be billed the monthly rate of $147 per month.
“The Revenue Remedy gives me ideas for monthly challenges that build revenue.
It also gives me content for Facebook and Instagram, as well as great calendars for everyday posting ideas. What I like most about it is that I get a monthly phone call where we talk about ways to get people in the door and increase sales.”
Annie Flagler Trotta
A great marketing system connects with the mind, body, and soul of your future clients…
Without a proven system, your studio will continue to struggle…
Revenue Remedy is full of strategies you can implement right now to start changing your fortune and fate.
They’ve been tried and tested over the last decade in my four multi- million dollar studios, as well as the 849 studios my team and I have helped grow.
And you can test drive my entire marketing system and attract a consistent stream of new clients this summer—for only $1!—when you join Revenue Remedy.
Take advantage of this once-in-a-half-moon opportunity before it disappears!
So if you’re truly ready to work smarter, not harder…
And to make a profit while sharing your passion…
Join Revenue Remedy and transform your business & life today.
With Grit and Gratitude,
Lise Kuecker
Host of Ready Aim Empire Podcast
& Founder of Revenue Remedy
Remedy Your Revenue Right Now
Welcome new clients with open arms, boost your bottom line, and turn your business around, quickly, easily, and with a team of marketing experts (no more going at it on your own!)
Both plans give you instant access for you and one team member, ALL the bonuses I mentioned above.

Best Value
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